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As a coach for the past 19 years, Dr. Stefanie has had the trusted honor of working with top CEOs, entrepreneurs, professional athletes, entertainers, and awakening beings around the globe. The hallmark of her coaching style is her compassionate, non-pathologizing, and deeply intuitive approach that moves clients toward wholeness and true Self-led lives. Her orientation will often serve as the reminder that we are human BEings, not human doings. Her work is heavily IFS-based and salutary, combining guided sessions, mindfulness practices, somatic release, and spirituality.
As a client, you will feel compassionately challenged and authentically inspired to meet the moments of your life with presence and personal agency. Together, you will safely explore parts of you that may have otherwise felt unknown or unsafe to explore. Within your coaching relationship, you will co-create the path that brings you (and keeps you) in full alignment with your true Self. Dr. Stefanie will be there each step of your journey to facilitate and encourage you as you build trust in your Self so you can heal, transform, and live a deeply fulfilling life.
If you are interested in private or group coaching with Dr. Stefanie, please complete the Coaching Inquiry Form here: https://form.jotform.com/240796910439162
After years of working with other therapists, I finally found Dr. Stefanie. Within just a couple of coaching sessions, she identified the patterns of self-sabotage I had been repeating. I wasn't aware of them and I just knew something was off. From the outside, I had everything I wanted and what most people consider "successful" but on the inside I felt empty, unfulfilled.
Working with Dr. Stefanie this past year has changed my entire perspective on myself, on life, on everything. I never knew I could feel peace like this. And for that peace to last even when life throws me curve balls! Our coaching sessions can be difficult because we go to parts of myself I have been avoiding. But I trust Dr. Stefanie completely and she creates a safe space for me so those more difficult sessions end up often being the most powerful.
I made more progress in months with Dr. Stefanie's coaching than I made in years of therapy. I feel like I now have a road map of my inner system and an authentic compass for my life. It is my compass, not the compass anyone else gave me or told me to use. I have learned to trust myself and I see the benefits of that every day. I can also tell pretty quickly when I am off-course or acting out an old pattern or old reaction and I have tools to get myself back to my center.
Dr. Stefanie is gifted in ways I have never seen in other healers. She has an intuition and skill to truly see me and know what is needed. But her coaching does not stop there because she has taught me how to see the layers of myself clearly and compassionately, so that I know what I need for myself. She is also not afraid to use humor and bring levity to our work which I appreciate very much. I am grateful beyond words. (Ryan, Developer, Arizona)
Dr. Stefanie is quite simply the most talented healer I've ever known. I have worked with other psychologists and coaches on and off for years. The way Dr. Stefanie works is entirely different. This is profound and deeply healing. In a year of sessions with Dr. Stefanie, I had more insights, self-love, and long awaited and necessary shifts in my life than I had in almost a decade with other therapists and coaches. If you thought the retreat was powerful, then you will really appreciate this ongoing work. It is the best gift you could give yourself. (Carla, Southern California)
With Dr. Stefanie’s compassionate and focused coaching, I’m making changes in my life that I never thought possible.
In my 60s, and after having felt “stuck” for many years, my sense of self is being transformed. And with it my dating life, family life and professional life—really every area of my life has been touched and improved by my work with Dr. Stefanie.
Greater still than the exterior changes are the interior ones. I now see possibilities in the time ahead that I would never have recognized (let alone felt able to achieve). And I have growing peace and confidence in my ability to truly move forward—and to enjoy the journey. Thank you, Dr. Stefanie!
(Mary V., Lawyer, Texas)
I found myself dreaming of a different life for myself. There always seemed to be a myriad of obstacles that seemed too difficult to navigate or overcome from both an emotional and logistical point of view. In only a few sessions with Dr. Stefanie, I gained the confidence and clarity to move forward and realize my dreams.
Her ability to guide me through thoughtful questioning, focused listening, useful imagery, and persistent attention to my needs and goals really helped to untangle all of the distractions and difficulties and quell the fears that kept me from moving forward in a life that truly aligns with who I am. She left me with effective tools that I can use whenever I feel myself slipping backwards into patterns that do not serve my best practices.
I am forever grateful! (Tracy M., Actor, Wilmington, NC)
Dr. Stefanie is an incredible coach and human being. Her genuine compassion, intuition, and ability to create a safe container for me is light years beyond other coaches I have worked with. Our sessions are incredibly healing and valuable. Working with Dr. Stefanie has enabled me to go beneath the “story” and dig deeper into what was running me and keeping me on repeat in my life. The container she holds is the perfect balance of strong and soft. I walk away from every single session with deep clarity. I have made movement in areas of my life that felt stuck for most of my life. Thank you, Dr. Stefanie. I am ever grateful. (George, entrepreneur, Philadelphia)
She was a lost little girl living in the shadows without a Home. She was unseen. Unheard. Unnoticed. And that kept her safe most of her life. Small, but safe.
But oh, how she longed to walk in the sunlight. To feel warmth and live. To know where she belonged.
I was that little girl for so many years, covering up decades of abuse and abandonment…. until Eden.
A retreat at Eden was the first step in my journey, coaching with Dr. Stefanie has been the next.
Coaching with Dr. Stefanie is about integrating all of our “parts” within us. She teaches acceptance of oneself, but more than that. She teaches that we are made up of many parts and each possesses a voice and lesson for us to grow from. Her teaching shows us that gentle acceptance of our hurt and pain is the only way to heal, to become whole.
Dr. Stefanie’s insights are based on deep responsibility to oneself so we can live authentically within our world. The sessions are not always easy. Dr. Stefanie doesn’t allow you to phone it in, or give up. She leads gently through meditations, visualizations, journaling, and reflections. She is there every step of the way, rooting for you and helping the heart stay focused on BEING the work.
Dr. Stefanie is like an Olympic coach who knows how to pull the best from her people. She doesn’t give up on you and more importantly, she doesn’t let her people give up on themselves.
I have been to many counselors in my life. In those sessions, I learned some nice “life hacks” and coping mechanisms. Not so with Dr. Stefanie. She teaches you how to heal your own heart and soul. How to feel your body again and live, I mean really live.
There will be tears, laughter, revelation, and moments of such clarity that tie the mind, body, and soul together. It isn’t easy. Winning a gold medal in the Olympics isn’t either, but possible, with dedication. This work takes nothing less. And delivers the Gold.
I was so lost after trauma upon trauma pounded my life like an unrelenting storm. Four major family deaths (two brothers, my mom, and dad, a shocking and horrific divorce after 33 years of marriage, my ex marrying less than a few months after the divorce, three moves, severe COVID, my daughter-in-law almost dying from a stroke at 24 years old, a high-pressure job, caring for my elderly father for months after my mom passed (he lived 4 hours away) and all of this happened in 18 months.
Had I not found Dr. Stefanie, I am unsure I would be here writing this testimonial. All of this trauma layered upon years of abuse as a child; I was more than lost when I met Dr. Stefanie. My world and identity had been decimated. My heart didn’t have a safe place to call home.
In 7 months with Dr. Stefanie, the changes in my inner world have created an outer world that is safe, full of light and people. I am seen and heard. I see and hear myself! I haven’t learned life hacks; I have learned to live from the inside out. My entire life had been tragically destroyed in a matter of months. Now…. I am not lost anymore. I don’t live in the shadows nor am I alone, and lesson by lesson, step by step, Dr. Stefanie is walking me home. (Julie CEO, Washington, USA)
Coaching with Dr. Stefanie is a game-changer. I had worked with therapists and other coaches before, tried EMDR, CBT, all of it. But I was never able to access the depths of myself that I can with Dr. Stefanie's guidance. I am breaking long-standing patterns and I have stopped beating myself up. My inner critic is now my inner coach. She holds a safe space for me to connect with my inner world and her gentle guidance is exactly what I need. I have made more progress in a year with Dr. Stefanie than I did in 5 years of therapy. Thank you! (Aubrey, CA)
I originally wanted to work with Dr. Stefanie because of how masterful she was with integration coaching after my psychedelic sessions. I also knew she did IFS coaching and I had worked with other IFS therapists. I like the IFS model and the other therapists did help me, but with Dr. Stefanie it is different. She is so present in our sessions that I feel like I can go to parts of myself that I was afraid to go to before. During our sessions, I almost feel like I am walking into my inner world with Dr. Stefanie holding my hand. She is right there beside me which makes me feel safe to go to these places I used to avoid at all costs. I also appreciate how respectful she is of the pace of our work. She never pushes me past what I am ready for.
I have been working with Dr. Stefanie for 6 months and I have just decided to do another 6 months. I have made progress that I did not know was possible and I am excited to see what the next 6 months can be. Thank you Dr. Stefanie. You have changed my whole life. I am grateful beyond measure. May you always be blessed for the incredible work you do. (Simon, attorney, CA)
As a small child, I dreamed of success. I understood I needed to get an education, work hard, and in time, success would follow. In my late 20s, I realized that I had gotten myself only so far along the road of success. I realized that to go farther, I would need some help and guidance. I was at a place in my life where I often found myself wondering why I still had certain struggles.
Dr. Stefanie helped me to realize that I kept repeating the same patterns over and over again expecting different results! I had unresolved issues from childhood and was acting from a belief system that NO LONGER served me. It was time to shed myself of the old stories and evolve into the person I knew I truly was.
Dr. Stefanie helped provide clarity at a time when I felt my head was in disarray. Best analogy I can use: imagine your garage is so messy with stuff and boxes everywhere. You can’t even pull your car in or fit anything else in it. However, that garage has been mostly working for you for a long time so you could just keep going as is. Then one day, with the help of a Professional Garage Organizer, you take out one box at a time and begin to understand why it is there. As you begin to understand more, you learn from each box, and then you can put them neatly in their place until the garage is completely organized. Once organized, the garage (your mind) has clarity.
We all already have the answers inside us. Dr. Stefanie is a masterful guide to help you to realize that the answers are right there. You might just be looking in or listening to the wrong box. (Thomas, VP, Irvine, CA)
I feel so fortunate to have found Dr. Stefanie. She was recommended to me by a colleague I trust. I was not sure what coaching would involve, but within minutes of my first session with Dr. Stefanie, I knew I was in capable hands. I knew something was different about her than other coaches I had worked with before.
I have learned to view my life (past, present, and future) with a completely different perspective. I am not the victim of my circumstances. I now see how I am the creator of my life and can create anything I focus on. I know that no matter what challenges I face, I can learn, grow, and come out even more enriched.
Dr. Stefanie is brilliant. I am always impressed with how quickly she is able to get to the core of the matter. I can be stuck on something for a week and within a few minutes of our session, we are right in the the thick of it and moving through it to learn and grow. She is more effective and compassionate than anyone I have ever known. I feel blessed to have her in my life.
Dr. Stefanie also helped me reconnect to my faith and spirituality. I had been away from my faith for many years after so much hurt and abandonment in my life. I felt lost and defeated. Through our work together I rediscovered my love for, and my own deep relationship with God. I cannot imagine where I would be without having this guidance and unwavering support. Thank you doesn't feel like a big enough word for how much gratitude I have. Dr. Stefanie I know that you changed my life and I am finally living the life I was meant to live. You are a blessing in my life and I am forever grateful for you. Anyone who has you in their life will be better for it. (Carol, caretaker, California)
I first participated in Dr. Stefanie's coaching program as part of the retreat. Every session was very well thought out, organized, and engaging. Working with Dr. Stefanie has provided me with important tools to use throughout my journey of self-discovery. Now I show up in my life being more present and feeling engaged. I have been able to bring healing to younger me in profound ways. The tools Dr. Stefanie gave me helped me make the most of the retreat and went far beyond that. I use what she taught me each day of my life. Take full advantage of this coaching! (Kim P., Redondo Beach California)
Dr. Stefanie's coaching will transform your life! Give yourself fully to this and let Dr. Stefanie's guidance lead the way. A beautiful life is given to everyone. You can see it and you can live it! Working with Dr. Stefanie will help you see this and BE this. This coaching has helped give me exactly the life I want - I still need to work every day but for the most part every one of my days is filled with lots and lots of beauty and joy - I could live this life forever...I am forever grateful. (Kirk M. business owner)